prep time
15 minutes
cook time
15 minutes

Garlic Olive Tapenade 

A savoury starter, this garlic olive tapenade tastes best with a glass of wine. It's a perfect blend of garlic, herbs and olive oil with tangy Del Monte olives making it a mouth-watering treat!


6 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
1 cup Del Monte Black Olives
1/2 cup Del Monte Green Olives
1/3 cup Olive Oil
2 TBSP Capers (Optional)
1 TBSP Dijon Mustard
1/2 TBSP Dried Rosemary
1/2 TBSP Dried Basil
1 TBSP Chopped Olives For Topping


  1. Put the Del Monte Black and Green Olives a blender and add , cloves, capers, mustard, rosemary and basil to them till everything is nicely minced.  
  2. Slowly pour in the olive oil and blend till mixture becomes a smooth paste. 
  3. Top it with chopped olives and serve with your favourite crackers.

Believe it or not, it’s that easy!

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